In BIG PICTURE NEWS, the Bank of England left interest rates unchanged, Sunak enjoys an interesting week, a VC firm splits out its China business and Russia imposes a diesel export ban. In CONSUMER, RETAIL & LEISURE NEWS, UK consumer confidence rises, UK retail gets a lift, Next booms, JD Sports braces itself, Ocado has a downgrade, DFS sees its profits halve, SSP has a bounce and the City Pub Group toasts a decent performance. In IPO AND M&A NEWS, Kokusai Electric gears up to be Japan's biggest IPO in five years, Arm falters, Cisco buys Splunk for $28bn in cash and Toshiba is to be taken private. In MISCELLANEOUS NEWS, Rupert Murdoch steps down, Deezer ups prices and Warner Bros invests in Leavesden. AND FINALLY, I bring you some epic pit stops...
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