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That’s a great approach Ines and very helpful tips!

I absolutely agree with picking something that you can demonstrate that you are working on and improving, and a skill that is not absolutely central to the firm and work as a trainee (so perhaps not attention to detail or teamwork, as Ines pointed out).

For example, I tend to talk about public speaking and show how I am proactively working on improving it, through taking initiative and pushing myself, including  participating in the Watson’s Daily podcast.

Firms always like to hear a story and the journey that you have been on to see how you will grow as a professional. This really isn’t prompting you to reply that you are great at everything and your biggest weakness is your relentless perfectionism. They want to see that you are capable of realisistically assessing yourself as an individual and doing a form of a SWOT analysis on your own skills.

Would love to hear others’ experiences and advice!